The PET shop for pets

Baxter's Pet Supply was founded to bring a smile to the face of your special little companion. We serve the Maplewood community for all their dog and cat needs. With a selection of premiere foods, treats, toys, and more, Baxter’s is sure to give you and your furry friend the right experience when it comes to pet supplies.

We are currently accepting food and product requests so we can cater to our community’s needs! Send an email or a message on instagram to tell us what you’re looking for or come on in let us know!

Join our loyalty program for discounts on pet food!

Join our loyalty program


Join our loyalty program •

The Maplewood community has been incredibly fortunate with a wide array of restaurants, shopping, and history. Having spent the majority of his career in marketing, owner Rick Engler opted to make a dream come true and open an all inclusive store that welcomes all people and pets on leashes. Baxter’s Pet Supply doesn’t just aim to contribute to the community but to help build one amongst the pet owners and animal lovers of MAPSO.

We hope to add additional pet supplies in the future, we appreciate your patience as we start this business and find the best possible options for the animals in our community! Thank you for shopping at small businesses and be sure to check out our neighbors The Fringe Salon, Raven’s Quill Tattoo, Woulibam Restaurant, General Store Cooperative, Express Yourself Studios, and The Apothecarium.